Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Ugh, New Year's Resolutions....

So I've made a lot of New Year's Resolutions. I'm doing good at keeping them too. The toughest one I've made is to try to get back to a more 'Vintage Mom' lifestyle. That means to get back to the good ol' days where kids were active and families spent quality time together. I've been doing my best to start cutting back on tv time, to enforce more healthy rules (ex. snacks and drinks must be eaten at the table, not while roaming the house), to make meals at home instead of doing drive-thru, to get down and play with my kids, to get outside as a family and just experience life. I think that kids had stronger familly values back then and thats what I want for my family. Life is not about what you have; it's about the experiences you share, the friends you make and the love you spread.

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